Step 4

Make Money!

Check the Buyer Queue

The image above shows the Buyer Queue for an active Seller

Box 1 - This box shows that the Buyer has selected their preferred start date when the listing was purchased from the Seller.

Box 2 - The Seller can Accept or Reject the new sale from a Confirmed Buyer. Be sure you agree with the start date and time the Buyer has provided before accepting.

Accept - If the Seller accepts the pending sale, our team will invoice the Buyer for funds before the Seller performs the work. We will notify the Seller when funds are received and when to move forward.

Reject – If the Seller rejects the pending sale, the Buyer will receive an email of a rejected sale.

As the Seller - If the reason for rejection was the date or time, please post a new listing in the Seller Queue with the exact date and time you wish for in the description of the new listing opportunity. Alternatively, you can contact Independent Zoo customer support and we will contact the Buyer with the preferred date and time for you.

As the Buyer - If a purchase of yours is rejected by the Seller, it could have been because of the time and date you asked for. Try re-purchasing the opportunity listing from the Seller with no preference on the start date during checkout. You may also contact Independent Zoo customer support and we will contact the Seller for you with any questions regarding the rejection of a sale.

Box 3 – This box is asking the Seller to provide the start date and time for a new sale. Buyers do not always ask for a certain start date and time. So, if the Buyer did not provide a start date and time during check out, the Seller will provide the start date and time here. We will notify the Buyer of your selected date and time.

Box 4 - Send Verification – As the Seller, please take a screen shot once you start performing your marketing or advertising agreement on the platform you make a sale on. We suggest providing a screen shot at the beginning and end of you the Seller completing the agreement sold on your listing. Independent Zoo checks every sold listing from start to finish. This protects the Seller from any disagreement with Buyers. Once we confirm the Seller has completed the work with the correct time, date, and duration, we pay the Seller.